Hello! Happy hollidays everyone!
For the past 2 years ive been experimenting with the bristle engine, and i made a simple bundle of my favorite brushes ive been using almost exclusively for about a year.
Now, yes, the bristle engine is very simple, but my main idea for these brushes is making a brush without anti-aliasing. Since there is no “turn off anti-aliasing” button in the bristle engine brushes settings i kind of got it by accident by messing around the “ink depleition” settings.
So this bundle has 3 simple brushes:
❀ Bristle Line ❀ (yellow)
This one is a brush for fine lineart and very textured lines
✿ thick Bristle Line ✿ (blue)
This one is for a more opaque thick line
❃ FUNNI BRISTLE ❃ (green)
This…well is kind of a chaotic brush i was not gonna include at first for being too “gimmicky”, but after some time i found myself having a lot of fun sketching with this one.
The way it works is that the brush shape is constantly rotating, if you use a drawing tablet, the more you press on your tablet the less control you have on the line shape. It gives a very interesting effect.
I understand this might not be the best brush for anyone, but i wanted to include it anyways because if i had fun with it maybe someone else could have fun with it too.
Anyways, please have fun wth my brushes, and feel free to give feedback and let me know about your expirience using them
Here are some images of my own art made with these brushes:
Is that a gothic capybara? What a wonderful image
uhh yeah kinda, just a devil capybara